Morse Trainer

Morse Code Trainer Practise copying and sending Morse code using a scheme of sessions developed by Rob Brownstein of CWops. The software is written by Stephen C Phillips. Please see the other Morse Code pages on Stephen's website Call Sign For some of the sessions some additional information is needed. Magic Morse Code Trainer Learn Morse Code Easily Difficulty: Intermediate Time Required: 4-6 hours Designer: Ray Burnette The frustration in learning morse code comes when a student attempts to key a word or phrase and has no direct feedback if the keying was correct. Choose your desired code speed Generate 1 2 3 4 5 group of code sent at 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 18 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 37 40 45 50 wpm using character speed of.

  1. Morse Trainer Online
  2. Aea Morse Trainer
  3. Koch Morse Trainer
  4. Morse Trainer Free
  5. Morse Trainer For Ham Radio
  6. Using Morse Trainer


Learningthe Morse Code -- ReadThis Before Anything Else

MorseCode Ringtone Generator For Mobile Phones &Morse2Email Service -- From Andy M1RGZ


CodeMaster V -- From Milestone Technologies Inc.

CodeQuick -- Since 1979 -- From Wheeler Applied Research Lab

CW4ALLTutor and Help -- For Beginners,Improvements, Contests,Pileups- From HB9BPP

CW Communicator. For those wanting to practice/learn CW over the internet using your keyboard down arrow or a real straight key or paddles.

CW Player This freeware program generates the standard Morse characters, Q codes,
abbreviations, random series of characters and text files.

CW SOFTWARE from PA3BWK's Ultimate CW Site -- PileUp, RUFZ, Stormy Weather SoftWare, VK3ESM's Morse Code Programs, MRX Software, QRZ Shareware Collection,EasiWare, K7ON's list of CW shareware

EHOCW : Software CW Keyer --From Pascal, F8EHO -- Software keyer and decoder, with interfaces withemitter/Receiver, memories, variables for callsign and so on, mp3 and wav morseconversion, direct keyboard keying, joystick or serial interface for a morse key(double or straight key).

Ham University -- Learn Morse Code or practice for your FCC exams -- By Michael Crick

IMCTVersion 3.0 -- Click on Software Elmer - Designedfor Win98 through XP -- 32 bit versionofthe IMCT Morse code package. From Ed Oros.

K7QO Code Course -- Free from Chuck Adams

Koch Method Of Learning Morse Code

LearnMorse Code On The Web -- From le club, VE2CRD

Morse Trainer Online

LinuxMorse -- From HamSoft -- Linux Software For The Ham Community

Morse Code/CW Interface for 2M/440 HT's - Send/Receive Morse Practice Using FMWith Ur HT -- From MFJ

Morse99-- Palm OS Version & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP Version Morse Tutor for pilots.Now with enhanced LAMP mode for Mariners.Morse Academy (ver 5.2q) -- Download From AH0A/7J1AAA Amateur Radio Site

MorseBeeper -- From Harold L Hunt II -- program for Microsoft Windows that playsbeeps in Morse Code for text that is being typed on the keyboard, regardless ofwhat application you are currently in.

Morse Code version 4.01a -- From Stormy Weather SoftWare

Morse Code Teaching Machine -- Excellent Morse Code Trainer

Morse Code Music - Connecting rhythm and language with Morse Code - From Phil Tulga

MorseCode Practice -- From New Zealand -- Great Practice Text (bottom of page)

MorseCode Tutor -- program writtenin C++. It can be used for learning or sending.

Morse Machine-Learn Morse code fast! Morse Machine teaches you Morse code by sending acharacter and waiting for you to type what you heard on the keyboard.

MorseMania - -- For The Mac

Morse Midi -- Generates Morse messages from text and saves them as MIDI files. Calibrated speed, MIDI playback, automatic text generation. Download from Alex Shovkoplyas, ex UR5EMI (now in VE3)

Morse Partner - help you learn to SEND Morse code.

Morse Programs From

MOSH -Transmits CWwithout pain - From SM6KFY /Peter

MRP-- Morse Receive / Transmit Programs -- From PolarElectric

MRX - -- Morse Receive and Transmit Training. Also new CWCom to transmit andreceive morse code and text messages over a LAN or across the internet!

N0HR Morse CodeTutor (and keyer) for PocketPC PDAs (like the iPAQ, Jordana and Cassiopea).

NuMorseProfessional, NuCode, NuMorse, and NuTest -- From NuWare -- Excellent Morse Code Trainers By Tony Lacy, G4AUD. The Professional versionis completely rewritten in 32 bit Windows.

Precision CW -- Several programs

Superaldis -- An aldis lamp and heliographsimulator.

Morse Trainer

W1AW Code Practice -- On The Air, Times and Frequencies

W5YI Morse Study Programs -- CD's, Tapes, Programs


Aea Morse Trainer

100Meg+ of CW MP3 filesas transmitted by W1AW Via N4VM

CW Decoder XP - a good, free, Windows CW soundcard decoding program that does well with noise and weak signals.

CW Lab03 -- Morse Soundcard Decodingprogram. Works on any Win9x/Me/Xp. Allowsoperator control of many parameters -- From Mike, WN2A

CWGET & CWTYPE -- The DXSoft Group -- CWGET - Program to decode morse code (CW) via sound card to text. CW-TYPE - Terminal program for CW-operators. Transmit both from the keyboard and from the paddle.

Koch Morse Trainer

DSP-CW V.4.1 digital CW/RTTY for Sound Blaster

Morse Receive / Transmit Programs(MRP)

Morse Code Music -- By Phil Tulga -- Type and listen program

MultiChannel Continental Code Receiver for Sound BlasterCards



I am pretty sure that iTunes allows you to convert from wav to mp3 so all that would be need is the wavgen software and Morse Academy (or the likes) front end to create wav files. Alternatively, just key up (or record off the air) and record with windows recorder, then import into iTunes and convert to MP3 or whatever you like. Recordings of the ARRL on the air code practice sessions can be found on the ARRL website and are easily loaded into the iPod.
Morse code practice on the iPod? In an effort to not re-invent the wheel, has anyone devised a simple
method to create code practice sessions in mp3 that can then be stored/played on the iPod? The components exist from which this can be pieced together. for example can generate WAV files from text. The page talks about how to use it with Morse Academy to generate practice exams. I bet a few of the CW trainers on AC6V's web page can do the same trick. Then there are lots of MP3 encoders that can convert the WAV file into an MP3. A popular and free one is called LAME and is available at So with those two tools and a little batch file, it would be easy to make a morse code MP3 file. As for off-the-shelf solutions, ARRL code practice sessions can be downloaded directly in MP3 format from

Another idea is to take the 200 QSO's at 200 Morse Code QSO`s -- Via Les Johnstone GM0SOZ @ GB7SAN Glasgow, Scotland and put them in the IPOD. Note site down, text is still here and here.

Also some one recommends WavGen to create morse code practice audio on the IPOD ---

NN6X, N6KI, and KB5MU



RufzXP RufzXP is a 'must'for every serious high speed telegraphy operator and is an official competitionof IARU High Speed Telegraphy Championships. The appendix 'XP'indicates that this completely new version takes advantage of latest softwaretechnology and runs with MS Windows XP (and additional 2000, NT, ME, 98).
PED Ver.5.10a Pile-Up trainer for SB16/PAS16
PED Ver.4.15 contest/CT simulator for SB16/PAS16
HSTT: Ultra High Speed CW Trainer by JE3MAS
VPED Voice PED require SB16 card

CyberCW DX and Contest -- Contestsimulation: Call stations or call CQ. Program is excellent for CW contestpractise or enter ongoing operating contests.

PED-Contest -- From The Bavarian Contest Club

Morse Trainer Free

Morse Runner -- Freeware Windows CW Contest Simulator simulates QRN, QRM, QSB, Flutter, and Lids!

G4FON Koch Trainer - excellent, free, windows program to teach youmorse code using the Koch method. Simulates, noise, signalstrength, chirp,QRM, QSB, different pitches, and variable weighting.




Last UpdatedJanuary 18, 2010


Morse Trainer For Ham Radio

QRPGuys KD1JV Code Trainer – $20

Your PayPal receipt is your confirmation that we have received your order. Stock availability and shipping volume can delay shipping.

Using Morse Trainer

Practice sending and receiving code.

Steve Weber, KD1JV has designed a inexpensive device to help you learn or improve your cw skills virtually anywhere. We are calling it the KD1JV Code Trainer. You can practice receiving code at 5-30 wpm just about anywhere. It is small enough to slip into your shirt pocket and using some ear buds, you are good to go. It is small, highly portable, and runs on a simple coin cell. The device uses an Atmel ATTiny13 microcontroller. There is also an led that will flash in receive and send mode as code is generated for hearing impaired users.

The receive function sends random five character mixed letter, number, and punctuation code groups. There is also an optional setting for Farnsworth character spacing.

The send function works as a normal code practice oscillator, but accepts either a straight key, bug or paddle. A single lever paddle or Iambic B can be used. Paddle speed is adjustable from 5-30 wpm. There is a jumper block to select either normal or reversed paddle side preference. It has auto-sense on startup that automatically detects either a straight key/bug or paddle connection. Adjustable gain on the output will drive a small speaker, earbuds, or with a simple cable you could attach one of the many external speakers now available for larger group use.

The standalone through hole kit has all the components except a user supplied CR2032 coin battery that mounts in the pcb battery holder. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most difficult, this is rated at 2. Assembly time should be less than an hour, depending on experience.