Camp Merri Mac Songbook

For more than seventy years, girls have been returning to Merri-Mac for summers of fun and growth. Located high up in the mountains of North Carolina, Merri-Mac is a Christian summer camp for girls. Girls come to camp to have fun and we believe the happiest environment is one in which the love of God is demonstrated by the staff and felt by all. His father, Spencer Boyd, opened his first camp in 1954 and after graduating from Wofford College, and later earning a M.Div. From Reformed Theological Seminary, Adam returned to camp where he served for ten years as the Timberlake Director. In the fall of 2001 Adam began directing Merri-Mac also.

The countdown begins! 100 days till camp. We are so excited for what this summer will bring for our campers and staff. So many things are gearing up for what I think will be the best summer yet of growth through friends and adventure. The office is keeping busy prepping, meeting, and brainstorming in anticipation for staff and campers to arrive. What makes it all a little better is the warm weather we’ve been having this week – 65 degrees and sunny! If that doesn’t make someone excited for summer, I don’t know what does!

Camp Merri Mac Songbook Pdf

For me, this is my first time experiencing the lead up to the summer as a year round staff member. Before, I was on the other end of emails and updates as a cabin counselor. So in a way I get to feel the excitement ahead of time which so far, I’m loving. One of our core values at camp is paying attention to detail. Without a doubt it is something we are doing every single day as we prepare for this summer. Whether it’s deciding the layout of the dining hall or choosing the right name for an activity, we care a lot about details. So with 100 days till our first opening day, we still have many details to pay attention to but we get to do it knowing camp is arriving soon and all that hard work caring for details will be worth it. And it’s because of you guys, our camp family, we get to continue living out these values and focus on our mission of growth through friends and adventure summer after summer.


Camp Merri Mac Songbook Cover

Great Camping!

Camp Merri Mac For Girls
