Ffxiv Character Creator

The character creation tools needs to have an eventual overhaul. Not even higher textures necessarily. (would be nice however) The older races feel last gen in comparison to the detail in races like the Viera. The character creator still is missing many wanted options like beards, scars, butt/hip slider, etc. Create FINAL FANTASY XIV crafting lists and collaborate with others, set gathering alarms, simulate crafting rotations, and more. I actually started the characters because I wanted to look at the starting cities and the different classes to help me make up my mind and if I try to create another character now I get the message 'You went over the daily character creation limit' (or something like that) when I try to start the game. SuperZay posted. 8 characters every day. FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn has been divided into several Worlds. Players can enjoy the same story and game content regardless of which World they choose to play on. However, it is not possible to play with players from different Worlds. To play together with friends, please make sure to create characters on the same World.

This section will explain how to create your character.

Manipulating the Character Creation Screen

Mouse and Keyboard

Ffxiv Character Creator

Dragging the mouse while holding down the left mouse button will rotate the camera. Dragging the mouse while holding down the right mouse button will rotate your character. You can also zoom in and out with the camera by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down. Holding down the mouse wheel and dragging the mouse will adjust the height of the camera.


Moving the left or right analog stick will rotate the camera. You can also zoom in and out by holding down LB and moving the right analog stick up and down.

Character Creation Screen Controls

  • 1. Change background image.
  • 2. Change character gear.
    RaceRace: Displays default race gear.
    JobJob: Displays job-specific gear. (Available only after selecting a class)
    SmallclothesSmallclothes: Displays undergarments. (i.e., no gear equipped)
  • 3. Toggle between standing and unique character poses.
  • 4. Return to the character selection screen. Current character progress will be lost.
2.Select New Character on the Character Selection Screen.
3.Select a race, clan, and gender.

* Starting STR, DEX, VIT, INT, MND, and PIE attributes will differ depending on your race and clan. However, gender has no effect on starting attributes.

5.Select your character's birthday and patron deity.

* Starting elemental resistance will differ slightly depending on your patron deity.

6.Select your character's starting class and city-state.

About Classes

In FINAL FANTASY XIV, a character's class is determined by the weapon or tool they have equipped. Furthermore, a character's starting city will be determined by their starting class, as no starting city houses all class guilds.

Creation7.Select a World for your character.

About Worlds

The world that your character will inhabit can be chosen during the character creation process. Once selected, your World cannot be changed. Worlds are divided into two different groups based on the location of their servers. To ensure you encounter the fewest number of latency issues, it is recommended, but not required, that you select the group that is closer to where you will be playing. Your connection to each group can be confirmed at the top right of the screen.
Group JP is recommended for players residing in or near Japan.
Group NA/EU is recommended for players residing in North America and Europe.
Also, your character's World can be confirmed by referring to the Character Selection screen or the 'Welcome to [World name]!' message that is displayed upon logging into the game.

FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn has been divided into several Worlds.Players can enjoy the same story and game content regardless of which World they choose to play on. However, it is not possible to play with players from different Worlds.
To play together with friends, please make sure to create characters on the same World.Once you've selected a World for your character, you cannot freely change to another.Players on both the Windows and PlayStation®3 platforms share the same Worlds.

* Players on different worlds may be matched together when using the duty finder.

8.Enter a forename and surname for your character, and click Confirm.

Forenames and surnames are restricted to 15 characters or less, with a combined limit of 20 characters.
* No two players on the same world may have the same forname and surname.
* Players who cannot decide on a name may choose to have a name randomly generated based on their clan or gender. You are free to change the randomly generated name if you desire.

9.If you are satisfied with the character you have created, press OK to begin adventuring in the game.
Version 1.0 Character Transfers

Any pre-existing characters from Version 1.0 will be present on the character selection screen. The names of characters transferred from Version 1.0 will remain unchanged regardless of length.

Saving Character Appearance Data

Players can save the appearance of their characters and reuse them when creating additional characters.

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Ffxiv Character Creator Update

After installing your full game or setting up the free trial, you’re ready to create your character in Final Fantasy XIV. Whether you’ve used character creators in other games or not, the process is pretty straightforward. Each selection will guide you through subsequent sections, until you reach the end. There’s no time limit, so feel free to spend however long you want fine-tuning your perfect character.

Race, Clan, and Gender

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You start off by choosing your race. Click around the options for a preview of what the races look like, as male or female. Change their poses or clothes from the sections at the bottom-right of the screen. The selections next to these change the background and lighting for the character creator, allowing you to see your creation in different settings.


The clan you select is mostly a visual effect, changing a character’s access to skin tones or other customization options. For human (Hyur) characters, this change is a little more extreme, with Midlanders being the smaller, petite option, and Highlanders as the more bulky choice. You may also be interested in certain clans for lore purposes. The starting attributes are largely the same across all character types, so feel free to ignore these.

Customize Your Appearance

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There’s a nice range of customization options for your character. Tweak your character’s height, eye color, hair styles and color, beard options for male characters, bust sizes for female characters, scars, tattoos, and much more. Or you can randomize your selections if you prefer. If at any point you change your mind about something, you can go back and shift things around.

Ffxiv Character Creator Download

Birthday and Deity

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Once you’re satisfied with your appearance, it’s time to select your character’s birthday in the Eorzean calendar. This doesn’t have much of an effect on anything, so pick whichever day you want. The Eorzean deity does have a small effect on your elemental attributes. But these aren’t substantial enough in combat to have a real impact. Again, pick whichever deity sounds coolest to you, or maybe something for your own lore purposes.

Starting Class and City-State

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The combat class you pick determines which city you start the game in. All three starter cities (Gridania, Ul’dah, Limsa Lominsa) have their own guilds for each class. One of the first things you’ll do in the game is to visit these guilds while learning your class. So if you want to play with friends, be sure to pick starting classes in the same city.

The city-state of Gridania is situated in the Black Shroud, with the Twelveswood protecting the Shroud’s Elementals from outside danger. Ul’dah is a wealthy city surrounded by the Thanalan desert, ruled by royalists and monetarists warring for power. Limsa Lominsa is the sea-faring state along the coasts of La Noscea, with pirates, rogues, military leaders, and scholars all under one banner.

You’re also not locked to a single class or job when playing Final Fantasy XIV. You can unlock and play every class on a single character, switching on the fly whenever you want. These are the classes available to you at the start, with their starting cities in parenthesis. Several more will become available to you as you progress through the story.

Disciples of War

  1. Archer (Gridania)
  2. Lancer (Gridania)
  3. Gladiator (Ul’dah)
  4. Pugilist (Ul’dah)
  5. Marauder (Limsa Lominsa)

Disciples of Magic

  1. Conjurer (Gridania)
  2. Thaumaturge (Ul’dah)
  3. Arcanist (Limsa Lominsa)

Name and Server

Ffxiv Character Creation Races

After selecting your class and subsequent starting state, you’re ready to pick a server. If you’re not sure which server to call home, check out our guide on the best servers in Final Fantasy XIV. Then you can pick a name for your character, including their first and last names. Get creative or let the character creator randomize a name for you.

Ffxiv Character Simulator

Next, you’ll have the option of finalizing your choices. The game then takes you to the opening cutscenes. Sit back and get your first taste of Final Fantasy XIV before controlling your character, taking them through the game’s story and beyond.

Ffxiv Character Creator Simulator

The post How character creation works in Final Fantasy XIV appeared first on Gamepur.