Ffxiv Icons

FFXIV FFXIV Icons job icons quest icons As I have written a guide about FFXIV common icons, I want to update it for players to easily play in game. As a new player, you should know the meanings of each icon so you can fast join in game. FFXIV icons FFXIV Icons job icons quest icons No matter you are beginners or skilled players of Final Fantasy XIV, perhaps you can't recognize all of the icons in game. However, if you want to show how experienced as a FFXIV player or play game easily, you'd better to have a basic understanding of common icons seen in the game.

NOTE! WARNING!! – This WordPress updated something and totally screwed up my macro page removing items that looked like code! /cry… Guess I’ll have to recreate it In the mean time use the Lodestone page linked below >< ~ Katella

Also helpful: see Lodestone Macro Page

NOTE: Take the spaces out of any syntax entries in this post! WordPress is deleting it altogether if I type it properly, so please just take the spaces out before using any commands listed on this page that use syntax with brackets like this:


Chat Commands

Ffxiv Icons Class

Note: Message doesn’t require the [ ] brackets. Just hit enter once done.
Private Tell:/tell 'Character Name' [msg]
Party Channel:/p [msg]
Free Company Channel:/fc [msg]
Linkshell Channel:/l# [msg] (replace # with LS list #)
Alliance Channel:/a [msg]
Novice Network:/n [msg]
Say (small area):/s [msg]
Shout (medium area):/sh [msg]
Yell (larger area):/y [msg]
Private Echo Message to self:/e [msg]

Ffxiv Icons


Targeting Commands & Syntax

Target Line Item:/target 'Name'
Target Line Item:/ta 'Name'
Target Line Item:/t 'Name'
Target Syntax Placeholder Use:/ac 'Skill'

Focustarget Line Item:/focustarget 'Name'
Focustarget Line Item:/ft 'Name'
Focustarget Syntax Placeholder Use:/ac 'Skill'



Micro Icons

Using “/macroicon” or “/micon” Displays specified icon, recast time, help text, and other information regarding the specified action. Can only be used once in the first line of a user macro. Category defaults to action when not specified.

Use:/micon 'icon name' [category]
Categories: action, general, emote, companion, pet, minion, mount, enemysign, waymark, gearset, classjob

/micon 'Raise' action
/micon 'Limit Break' general
/micon 'Cheer' emote
/micon 'Withdraw' companion
/micon 'Embrace' pet 'Eos'
/micon 'Bluebird' minion
/micon 'Firebird' mount
/micon 'Target to Attack 3' enemysign
/micon 'B' waymark
/micon '1' gearset
/micon 'Dark Knight' classjob


Ffxiv Icons

Hotbar Management

Hotbar slot placement
/hotbar [subcommand]
/chotbar [subcommand]

subcommand: action, general, item, emote, companion, pet, minion, mount, enemysign, waymark, change, copy, display
Examples: /hotbar [subcommand] “Name” [hotbar#] [Slot#]
/hotbar action 'Aetherflow' 4 1
/hotbar general 'Limit Break' 3 9
/hotbar item 'Clear Prism' 2 7
/hotbar emote 'Cheer' 4 6
/hotbar companion 'Withdraw' 4 1
/hotbar pet 'Embrace' 'Eos' 1 10
/hotbar minion 'Bluebird' 4 1
/hotbar mount 'Firebird' 4 1
/hotbar enemysign 'Target to Attack 3' 4 1
/hotbar waymark 'B' 4 1

Replace Hotbar 1 with a different hotbar:
/hotbar change 2

Show or Hide Hotbar (on & off – if you don’t specify, it will toggle)
Toggle: /hotbar display 6
Show: /hotbar display 7 on
Hide: /hotbar display 8 off

Change Visible Crosshotbar
/crosshotbar display 2
/chotbar display 4

Copy Hotbar setup to another Hotbar
subcommand: copy [job/class] [hotbar#] [job/class] [hotbar#]
Examples: (copying scholar Hotbar 4 to Conjurer Hotbar 3
/hotbar copy SCH 4 CNJ 3
/hotbar copy Scholar 4 Conjurer 3
/hotbar copy scholar 4 conjurer 3
/chotbar copy SCH 4 CNJ 3
/chotbar copy Scholar 4 Conjurer 3


Ffxiv Icons Next To Mob Names

Ffxiv icons next to name

Pet Companion Commands

Format: /egiglamour “Egi Name” “Glamour”
Egi Names: Garuda-Egi, Ifrit-Egi, Titan-Egi
Glamours: “Emerald Carbuncle”, “Topaz Carbuncle”, “Ruby Carbuncle”
To Add: /egiglamour 'Ifrit-Egi' 'Ruby Carbuncle'
Remove: /egiglamour 'Ifrit-Egi'

Calling Pet Actions
NOTE: Take the spaces out of before use (wordpress format misbehaiving!)
Format /pac “Skill”
/petaction 'Obey'
/pac 'Embrace'



Targeting Commands

  • Action Use Command FormatUse:/action 'skill name' [target syntax]
    Target Syntax:
    /ac 'Physick'