Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush

Neopets 8-bit Paint BrushNeopets

Pet colours
Names in bold are grandfathered pets - you can't obtain the old poses if you paint a pet that colour now, but ones painted before the Customisation system may be available in the Pound or by trading.
Click on a pet to see its full poses.
This species cannot currently be painted the following colours: 8-bit, Agueena, Alien, Apple, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Biscuit, Blueberry, Brown, Burlap, Candy, Carrot, Checkered, Chokato, Clay, Cloud, Coconut, Custard, Dimensional, Disco, Durian, Elderlyboy, Elderlygirl, Eventide, Fire, Garlic, Ghost, Glowing, Gold, Gooseberry, Grape, Grey, Halloween, Invisible, Island, Jelly, Lemon, Lime, Mallow, Maractite, Maraquan, Marble, Mosaic, Msp, Oil Paint, Onion, Orange, Origami, Pastel, Pea, Peach, Pear, Pepper, Pineapple, Pink, Pirate, Plum, Plushie, Quigukiboy, Quigukigir, Rainbow, Relic, Royalboy, Royalgirl, Shadow, Silver, Sketch, Skunk, Snot, Speckled, Split, Sponge, Spotted, Steampunk, Strawberry, Striped, Swamp Gas, Thornberry, Tomato, Toy, Transparent, Tyrannian, Ummagine, Usukiboy, Usukigirl, Water, Woodland, Wraith, Zombie.
If you are using this information for the Premium species-changing feature, always double-check with the Rainbow Pool first!

baby vandagyre

blue vandagyre

camouflage vandagyre

chocolate vandagyre

christmas vandagyre

darigan vandagyre

desert vandagyre

electric vandagyre

faerie vandagyre

green vandagyre

ice vandagyre

magma vandagyre

mutant vandagyre

polkadot vandagyre

purple vandagyre

red vandagyre

robot vandagyre

snow vandagyre

starry vandagyre

stealthy vandagyre

white vandagyre

yellow vandagyre

Paint Brushes, Neopets. A list of all paint brushes for your Neopet, to use at the Rainbow Pool. There are 70 results for your search. To get an 8-bit style neopet, you will need access to the Secret Lab Ray or an 8-bit Powerup Potion. The colour is not available from a Fountain Faerie Quest. 8-Bit style petpets are only available from the Petpet Lab Ray and an 8-bit Power-Up Potion.

What a bizarre magical invention – it will turn your Neopet into a big plushie! Plushie neopets are among the most favored pet on Neopets! Plushie paint brushes however are very expensive onsite, so why not buy one from us to paint your pet?

Neopets 8-bit Paint BrushNeopets 8-bit paint brush refills

Admit it: few things are as cute or fun as a pet that’s been painted with a Plushie Paint Brush – it will turn your Neopet into a big plushie? With their stitches, buttons, button eyes, & yarn, who wouldn’t want to own one? Luckily, Plushie is a colour that almost all Neopets species come in! Not so luckily, one of these Paint Brushes can run you about 3,000,000 NPs. Plushie is a highly sought after colour & almost all Neopians like the look of both the brush & the result of their new pet after a quick trip to the The Rainbow Pool.

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush Refills

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush Set

Do you love Plushies? What if your own neopet could look like a stitched up doll as well? These are the neopets that can be painted using the Plushie Paint Brush: